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Tuesday 16 October 2012
4_Beautiful Website Analysis (4) @ 03:43


- This is Marchand de Trucs website.

- For the background, it show a cowboy season table. The overall mood is mystery.

- For the title, it use Georgia, size 36px with normal style and weight.For the content it use sans serif size 12px with normal style and weight. For the content title it use same type family with content but weight is bold.

- For the header, it show different illustration a man standing behind the table act like a boss. Table show cowboy hat, black cat and some old interior. 

- For the footer is show the the contact and some other not very important navigation..such as conditions; credit.


- This is Adriano website. Is a design website.

- For the background, it use white color as background and some shape design at right corner. 
Overall look very clean and clear.

- For the subtitle, it use JosefinSansStdLight with 28px and weight:200.
- For the content, it use JosefinSansStdLight with 18px, normal weight and style.

- For the footer it show 3 navigation bar with simplest design.

- For the illustration, the size it consistent and arrange neat with 3 picture per row. 
When mouse over the picture, it show the title of the page.


- This is babel junior website. Is a Romanian country website. Is about kids.

- For the background, it show a simple vector image. Color very fresh, is interactive for kids.

- For the content, it using Arial with 12px. 

-For the navigation button, it using different color highlight to show where the user at, 
and the font if navigation is Arial with 18px.

- For the footer, it just show copyright of the website.

- For the illustration of the content, it is arrange vertical with different album, each album 
will have a auto slide to show inside picture. 


- This is La Masa Mimatta website, is pizza website.

- For the background, it show wood texture

- For the text of navigation, it use helvetica font with 14px.
- For the content tile, it use helvetica font with 20px, Bold.
- For the content it use Tahoma font with 18px.
- For the category(link), it use Tahoma font with 14px.

- For the header, it show colorful flag at the top. Logo at the left side with some main 
navigation and sub header.

- For the footer it show copyright and some basic information such as contact and link.

- For the illustration, it is big and change automatic every 5sec. It prevent user faster 
get boring and show more information for the user when enter the page.

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